Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardeners.
A CAMHS duty worker is available for consultation to young people and professionals on 0203 513 3800 (Monday to Fridays between 9 am and 5 pm).
- Young people are advised to follow any personalised safety plan which has been created with their care coordinator.
- Monday to Friday 5pm – 11pm and On Weekends and Bank Holidays 9am – 11pm, young people can contact the SLP CAMHS crisis line Telephone: 0203 228 5980.
- If young people need advice outside of those hour’s we recommend contacting the dedicated SWLSTG Mental Health Support Line on 0800 028 8000 or NHS 111.
New and additional information on our website around CAMHS. The link to this is:
Young people/ Families should NOT attend A&E unless they require urgent / emergency medical attention. If young people are considering the need to attend A&E for mental health reasons, they should call us on the above crisis numbers in the first instance.
- Sutton’s multi-agency safeguarding hub can be contacted on 0208 770 6001.
- The Sutton Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop will be closed for drop-in sessions, however, for support you can contact Transform on 0208 092 7569 or email transformsutton@cranstoun.org.uk
- You can find updates about domestic abuse services on the Not Alone in Sutton (https://notaloneinsutton.org.uk)and the Transform Sutton website (https://www.cranstoun.org/services/domestic-abuse/transform-sutton
Professionals I can contact when I am struggling or feeling unsafe:
- CAMHS Duty Clinician: 0203 513 3800 (Monday to Fridays between 9 am and 5 pm).
- CAMHS Crisis Line: 0203 228 5980
- Samaritans (Freephone): 116 123
- ChildLine (Free and confidential 24-hour helpline): 0800 1111 or visit www.childline.org.uk
- Young Minds free parent helpline: 0808 802 5544 or visit www.youngminds.org.uk.
- Papyrus HOPEline: 0800 068 41 41
If I still feel unwell / feel unsafe / suicidal I will visit the A&E department or call 999
Useful links
- My CAMHS Choices contains video FAQs about CAMHS services answered by young people and CAMHS professionals. http://mycamhschoices.org/
- Young Minds offers information for children and young people, parents and professionals about CAMHS, how to look after yourself and what to do if you’re worried about a young person. Also includes a CAMHS glossary and who’s who in CAMHS. http://www.youngminds.org.uk/
- AnxietyBC Youth offers information and advice for young people on anxiety and videos of young people’s experiences with facing their fears. http://youth.anxietybc.com
- Understanding Childhood offers information for parents and professionals about children’s development, including advice on how to deal with parental separation and bereavement. http://www.understandingchildhood.net/
- My Mind - The Box contains lots of different activities and tools to use at home to set yourself challenges, help yourself wind down and figure out who to talk to. http://mymind.org.uk/thebox
- Head Meds offers honest and easy to understand information about medication used to treat different mental health conditions. http://www.headmeds.org.uk/
- The Seven Apps and Websites are new apps and websites to support young people with mental health difficulties.
http://www.innovationlabs.org.uk/the-seven-apps-websites/ - Time to Change offers information and advice for young people and parents about mental health and how to support someone who is struggling.http://www.time-to-change.org.uk
- B-eat offers information about eating disorders, recovery stories and how to get help. http://www.b-eat.co.uk/
- Self-harm: parents' experiences features videos of parents and other family members talking about their personal experiences of young people self-harming. http://www.healthtalk.org/peoples-experiences/mental-health/self-harm-parents-experiences/topics