A calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.
Reporting Absence
How should you report your child being absence from school?
- STARS has a dedicated attendance line.
- If your son or daughter is ill you must inform the school on each day of your child's absence between 9am and 10am.
What if my child is ill at school?
Should your child be ill in school then he/she should go straight to reception who will contact you should they be deemed ill enough to go home. Pupils are not to contact parents/carers by personal mobile phone before they visit Reception to report that they are unwell.
Mobile phones must be switched off at all times and should only be used under the guidance or with the permission of a member of staff.
Planned absence’s Medical
Dental appointments, hospital visits etc. should be arranged out of school time if possible. When this is not possible, written notice should be given to the reception in advance of the appointment.
Leave of absence
In general, leave of absence will not be granted other than in exceptional circumstances, such as on compassionate grounds. The Deputy Headteacher Debbie Gifford must be informed directly.
Unauthorised absence
Unauthorised absences are those which STARS does not consider reasonable and for which no “leave” has been given. STARS is the authorising body for an absence.
Holidays in term time without permission
The Education (Pupil Registration, England) Regulations 2006 make provision for holidays in term-time only with the permission of the Headteacher. The regulations state that holidays in term time should only be authorised under special circumstances. It is at the Headteacher’s discretion to authorise a holiday.
Parent/Carers should be aware that absence is detrimental to a pupil’s education, and staff cannot be expected to undertake work to compensate for what has been missed.
Information from the Borough School Attendance Service (BSAS)
Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child of compulsory school age (5 to 16 years), receives a suitable education, and attend school regularly. The local authority has a duty to make sure that parents undertake this responsibility.
In Sutton, this duty is carried out by the Borough School Attendance Service (BSAS)
The Service’s main task is to help improve pupils’ attendance and reduce unnecessary absence by working:
closely with schools
with pupils and their parents, and with other services and agencies to promote, encourage, and where necessary, enforce regular school attendance through legal action in accordance with Section 444 of The Education Act 1996.
LA schools in Sutton have a named Borough School Attendance Officer (BSAO) who is in contact with the school and visits regularly to meet with senior staff to:
- analyse and interpret data
- check registers and
- identify and discuss any pupil whose pattern of attendance is causing concern.
The Sutton LA referal process
In the first instance, the school will contact parents to attempt to resolve any issues.
If the problem continues or there is no response, a referral may be made to the BSAS.
On receipt of a referral, the BSAO will arrange to meet with the parent/s and child to:
- identify any problems that are causing irregular attendance
- inform the parent/s of their legal responsibilities and
- agree actions to resolve any identified issues.
Monitoring and review
A monitoring period will be agreed followed by a review meeting. If attendance fails to improve, the BSAS court officer may issue a penalty notice or take legal action via the court. BSAOs maintain a record of any work undertaken.
Other duties by BSAS include:
- Preventative work including delivering new parent talks and facilitating attendance projects.
- Carrying out attendance audits in schools to review their attendance procedures and encourage good practice.
- Assisting schools to review and update their attendance policies.
- Contributing jointly with Merton to the Governor Training Programme.
- Informing schools of changes and updates to relevant legislation and guidance and delivering training as necessary.
- Carrying out truancy sweeps/patrols in conjunction with the local police.
- Following up any referrals from the Authority’s Child Missing Education Officer or other sources with regard to young people who are identified as missing from education.
- Following up referrals in respect of young people whose parents have chosen to educate them at home, where inspection of that education has judged it as unsuitable.
In addition to the above, the service also provides the following duties via the Child Employment and Performance Licensing Officer:
- Advice and guidance in respect of child employment and child performance.
- Issuing child work permits for children of school age who are apply to work part-time.
- Issuing child performance licences for children to take part in television, radio, film or stage productions and modelling work.
- Issuing chaperone approvals for people who accompany children and young people working in entertainment.
- Carrying out a yearly child employment campaign, visiting local shops and businesses to raise awareness of child employment legislation and ensure that young people are not employed illegally.
- Carrying out inspections of productions taking place in the borough and in which children are performing.
For further information please click the link below to visit the School Attendance Service.